Tuesday, April 17, 2012

get to [know]:: Ron Palmer

This week we took a few minutes to get to know Ron Palmer.  Ron is a Commercial Realtor for Steve Fineberg and Associates, and long-time friend of Steve and Ida.  We appreciate all he does on our team!

Q:  Where are you from?

A:  I grew up in Chicago, Illinois and received both undergraduate and graduate degrees from Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois.  I also have my Ph.D. in Psychology and spent time teaching at Northern Illinois University in Dekalb, Illinois.

Q:  What brought you to Northwest Arkansas?

A:  I had a business opportunity to come to this area where I bought some commercial land and commercial lots to develop.  I also purchased and developed the AQ Chicken Houses at that time.

Q:  How long have you worked with Steve Fineberg & Associates? 

A:  I have worked for the company for about 3.5 years, but I have known Steve since he first came to this area in the late 1990s and we have been friends ever since.  I am lucky to be part of his team.  Steve is an independent hard-working entrepreneur who has carved out a unique niche in commercial real estate in Northwest Arkansas.

Q:  What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

A:  I am a motor home traveler and motorcycle enthusiast.  I also love going to the gym and I have been a racquet ball player for quite some time.

Q:  Where do you like to vacation?

A:  I always head west instead of east.  My favorite states are Colorado and Montana.  I also enjoy Idaho and Southern California.  My wife Shona and I are lucky enough to have a daughter who lives in San Diego, California, so we get the opportunity to go visit her there often.  I have three other daughters scattered in Springfield, Missouri and Kansas City, Missouri and one here in Fayetteville.  We enjoy travelling and spending time with each of our children.
Q:  What are some fun or random facts about yourself?
A:  The first is that I have owned and rode a motorcycle for forty five years and have lived to tell about it.  J  I also have always had a unique interest in architecture and have been fortunate enough to build several custom homes.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

get to [know]:: Ida Fineberg

This week we sat down with Ida Fineberg, Vice President and Executive Broker for Steve Fineberg & Associates.. And of course, wife of Steve.  :)  We wanted to take a moment to get to know Ida outside of her responsibilities at work.

Q:  Where did you grow up?

A:  I was born in Havana, Cuba and lived in Cuba until I was nine years old.  My family left Cuba and we went to Dallas, Texas.  We were there for a year before moving to Los Angeles, California.  After several years my family moved back to Dallas.  So you might say that I grew up all over.

Q:  What brought you to Northwest Arkansas?

A:  In 1998 I married Steve and moved here.  I have loved living here the entire time I have been here.

Q:  How long have you worked in real estate?  What made you get into real estate?

A:  My real estate career began in 1998.  My previous profession had been teaching, so real estate was quite a change.  When I moved to Arkansas I knew that I needed a job that would give me more flexibility of schedule and real estate was a natural fit.  I also had some prodding from this guy that caused my move to Arkansas.

Q:  What do you like to do when you aren't working?

A:  Really I love to cook and that has become sort of my therapy.  I also love to read and explore this great place where I am so fortunate to live.  Also, as time permits I love to travel and with Steve I have a terrific traveling partner because we look at our travels as our own personal adventures.  When we go to a new place we do not go on tours we just explore and learn on our own.

Q:  Tell us a little about how you volunteer in the community...

A:  Volunteering is something that I feel I really need to do as much  for me as for those organizations in which I am involved.  Presently I am honored to be on the Foundation Board for Open Avenues.  Open Avenues is an organization that helps mentally and physically challenged adults become contributing members of our community through employment opportunities and recreational activities.  They are truly a miraculous organization.  Also, I have recently been asked to join the board for Havenwood which provides reasonably priced housing and educational opportunities to single parents who want to improve their lives.  I am very much looking forward to being part of this group.  Also, I was fortunate enough to have gotten in on the beginnings of the Rogers Community Support Center.  This group’s goal was to involve members of the Rogers community become involved  in the community via educational opportunities, learning about the city government and its leaders and some terrific recreational functions.  This group began the International Festival which grew from about 100 people coming to the festival to now several thousand.  For this opportunity I have to thank Steve Womack, then mayor of Rogers, now a member of Congress for his vision with this group.

Q:  What is your favorite restaurant?

A:  Being in real estate and knowing quite a few people here I am not going to name a favorite local restaurant.  But I really like what goes on in my own kitchen.

Q:  What are you most proud of outside of work?

A:  Have you seen our three grandchildren?  Perfection if you ask me!  Also, I am very proud of our children because they are all good and hardworking people.  I must say that I have tremendous respect for my parents who came to the United States with nothing but always provided a very good life for my brother and me.  Finally, I am always proud of Steve and how he has built our company Steve Fineberg & Associates, Inc.  Also a good marriage is always something for which to be grateful and proud.

Q:  What are some silly or random facts about yourself?

A:  You mean like when I turn up the salsa music really loudly and dance around the house by myself?  Or how about the fact that even though I am a really good swimmer I can’t stand to go underwater.  Go figure.  Also, under no circumstances will I eat calamari.  Steve does not understand that one at all.  I like to do laundry, there is a certain feeling of accomplishment seeing all the clothes all neatly folded and smelling fresh – weird, I know.

Q:  What is your life motto?

A:  I don’t think I have a motto because life changes so much.  But I did say to a group to which I spoke that EVERYBODY, no matter the circumstances in your life, has something for which they should always be grateful.  So think about whatever that is when things get tough and it will make the tough time go by faster.